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Dental Acquisitions Australia interacts with several privately owned, sizeable corporate and individual dentists, each expanding using a unique plan. Also, we have experience networking with dentists who wish to open and procure their own dental practice.
In order to fully determine the value of the business, we take into account the performance of the business over the last 3 years to include the fiscal performance, growth potential, locale and number of associates/clinicians and chairs. We also consider the business plan into the future.
The normal process takes around 8-12 weeks. There are sometimes delays related to financial and legal advice so it’s imperative to perform the necessary due diligence and review of the terms within the Contracts of Sale to avoid potential delays and to encourage a timely settlement.
Typically, when a business sells to a corporate entity the staff will remain in place. However, when this type of sale is a dental practise, staff changes sometimes occur.
Dental Brokers Australia is proud to interact with several large corporations and private entities that we ensure are qualified to purchase your practise. Our protocol guarantees that we have several offers for your review within the first 2-3 weeks. Our vast expertise and knowledge of the negotiation protocol before, during and after the settlement plays a major role in an increased acquisition value.
Our site is not designed to handle the advertising of available dental practices for sale. Since our clientele prefers the discretion associated with anonymity and broker representation, the general online audience is not privy to the pending sale of their dental practise.
Many corporate or medium sized private companies are happy to see the Principal stay on past the agreed upon term in the interest of continuity. However, regardless of who acquires the practise, a period of transition is always to be expected. Much of our time, energy and knowledge is in making sure that you receive the best offers possible. As such, we manage the full life cycle of the sale for you. This means we will even educate the purchaser on the process as needed. It is our job to ensure that due diligence is carried out and to address any issues as and when they arise. As brokers, we are uniquely positioned to deal directly with the buyer, seller, accountants, lawyers and other professionals in order to manage any issues to ensure that everyone involved is informed and happy with the outcome of the sale.